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The Force Equation
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Based on the Star Wars Movies - this book is The Real Equation for The Force.  Science Fiction often predicts the future.  Star Wars author George Lucas knew about The Force, but not being a Physicist didn't explain it very well, but he had us all believing in it. 

Today, The Force has been discovered by Scientists using The Large Hadron Collider in Geneva Switzerland.  They didn't know what they had discovered until NOW.  The Force Equation builds on all Scientific Knowledge of the past five hundred years and delivers a stunning new way of looking at the power of the Individual and Society as a whole if we only knew about The Force, where it is, how it works and HOW TO USE IT.

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A New Arrival
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And please GIVE us a Rave Review - We'll have a special gift for you What if all the Traffic Lights you encounter for the rest of your life would always turn to Green as you approached?  First of all - you would think it was your lucky day.  Next, you'd wonder how they did that.  Next you'd wonder why the government couldn't do more things right like this.  This book is not really about how to get all your traffic lights to go Green as you approach, but is a roadmap to how to make all the government rules and regulations work for us at all times, not only in the way that our Traffic Lights work.  In the age of small and cheap computer chips, it's actually quite easy to make all the traffic lights to accommodate a more efficient flow of traffic thus saving America millions of barrels of oil per day.  The author explains that the only reason our traffic system is so broken is because decisions about what to do for the average citizen and how to do them is left in the hands of the few and the bribed.  This book also details the solution - putting all of our voting on the Internet where the majority of us can vote directly on simple solutions like this one, making traffic lights stay green longer.  That's just the beginning of what we can do - if we want to.

In the Utopia TV Show on the Fox Channel, the early pioneers immediately adopted a real Democracy and voted directly on the issues of the day.  Can we do the same thing in the UUSA?  Join to find out and support the movement toward real democracy in America where the people regain control over our country and begin to redirect our fate back to 'Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.' Your Ticket To Utopia is a chance to participate in the greatest social experiment of all time, renaming the USA to the UUSA, the United and Utopian States of America.  More important than the naming will be form of government that we choose. The message this highly imaginative book gives us that we have two choices in the world today.  We can continue down the path of mass-extinction, including our own species, or we can start to think about, plan and build a real Utopia for this world where we end all of the insanity that is currently in control of our world give ourselves a real chance for total global peace, love and understanding for all Mankind and all other living things.  Get the Print or Kindle Version
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Free Christmas Food is all about how you can join in the Next Big Thing this Christmas and have an extra-ordinary income by the First of the New Year by being part of the movement to a healthier lifestyle through a new kind of health food that is delivered to your door, cooks up in 10 minutes, with hundreds of recipes to satisfy even the pickiest members of the family.  Be the first on your block to order this food and have it in stock.  Share it with friends and they will join you in your new health food business.  Soon, all your food will be free.  In fact, you only need three customers for your own food to be free.  Then, the income just explodes out from there.  Order the PRINT OR KINDLE VERSION from AMAZON  
The - FREE Audible Version
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Discovered in 2012, with the most expensive scientific apparatus in history -  The Large Hadron Collider - The God Particle is the most important fundamental building block in the universe.  It controls the fate of everything in the universe, including you.
If you want to trust in a God that was conceived
by goat and sheep-herders over two thousand years ago,
stick with the nice little children's fairy tales of the Old Bible.  If you want to trust in a new
God that is proven by the latest discoveries of Quantum Physics and learn how PROBABILITIES of events are the controlling factor in your life and how to exploit this knowledge to your fullest and most powerful benefit here and now in this life - and not in some distant Garden of Eden fairy tale
- this could be the most practical modern scripture you will ever read.  The "Force" they talk about in Star Wars is real.  However, George Lucas got it slightly wrong.  He said, "The Force is created by all living things."  This is not correct, the Force is created by the Creator to be used by all living things.  If Obi-Wan Kenobi had read this book - we could all be Jedi Knights by now.
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Using Google Super-Vote

To Create The Super States of America!

And Get Our Country Back in the hands of the People.
Recently Google devised a highly useful and secure way for fans to vote for their Favorite American Idol Contestant and other Reality TV Shows where people compete for prizes.  The same technology can be used to vote for people who want to serve their country in any elected office including any election for United States Senator, US House of Representatives or even Presideent of the United States This book explains in detail how and why the American people are ready to take their country back from the spies, the incompetent, and the evil ones influenced by the Lobbyists who have infiltrated our federal government at every level and who are hell-bent for its destruction. A MUST-READ for every patriotic American or any citizen of the world because these same principles of real democracy need to be applied everywhere or else we're all doomed as a species
OR Get the FREE AUDIBLE VERSION And please GIVE us a Rave Review - We'll have a special gift for you
How To Beat Obamacare

Was Obama elected as President of the United States or
Most Successful Insurance Salesman?

Obama forced the Young and Healthy to PAY for the OLD and SICKLY.

New Strategy shows how to AVOID paying for Obamacare by Self-Insuring.
We have all the items you need in the book to self-insure AND Make Money
by Helping Millions of Other Fed-Up Americans. Also avoid ObamaCare by Self-Insuring. 

Save your country while you SAVE MONEY and Save your Life all in one keystroke.  100% legal and Profitable.
OR Get the FREE AUDIBLE VERSION And please GIVE us a Rave Review - We'll have a special gift for you
After reading the God Particle Bible You may be ready to TAKE the LEAP of Faith into The God Particle Field.
Take the Leap
The companion book to The God Particle Bible - Taking the Leap Requires a thorough understanding of the principles and technologygiven in The God Particle Bible

Once you take the leap, you'll never go back to the old way of thinking.
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If you have an online business, you need to get it on The 1st Page of Google search results.  This book details how anyone can do this in under five minutes. 

This book gives a detailed step-by-step description of how to get your web site or blog to the top of the Google Search Page Results in under 5 minutes.  The Author has done it many times.  The new edition has been updated for new strategies that work even better.  The key is to use all the Google Assets like Blogger, Youtube and Google + in such a way as to give your websites all the maximum good "Google Math" that the search engine algorithm gives to those who know the rules. 

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The Two-Party System is a conspiracy of DUMB and OLD IDEAS.  Imagine how much better this country (and the world) would be if we looked for our leaders ONLINE.  Then, let them put their IDEAS online for the PEOPLE TO VOTE THEM EITHER

HOW do We The People Fix the USA Government?

Let's Put the decisions that Government makes for us ON THE INTERNET 
GET the FREE AUDIBLE BOOK OR the PRINT and KINDLE BOOK And please GIVE us a Rave Review - We'll have a special gift for you
The only way to save this country is to
Incorporate the United States Government
as a FOR-PROFIT Corporation .

We can and must all become Shareholders
in the greatest economy in the world instead of being Taxpaying Sheep and GET YEARLY DIVIDENDS instead of tax bills.
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How to make great money in a Home Based Business

Today you need not only a Great Product to compete with everyone  else on the Internet who are peddling everything from soup to nuts. 

You also need a complete MARKETING SYSTEM, that brings you new customers and downline distributors every day.  AUDIBLE VERSION COMING SOON.

This book gives you BOTH - A great product that everyone MUST CONSUME every day - FOOD, the healthiest food on the planet!

AND, a complete Turnkey System for finding a large number of  Customers and Downline Distributors.  NOW, that's the way to compete in this modern world.
FREE AUDIBLE VERSION And please GIVE us a Rave Review - We'll have a special gift for you
Immortality - A True Story is just as the title implies, a true story by Michael Mathiesen based on his life that proves that any person can become immortal.  This book is based on recent scientific research that suggests that in the next 20 to 30 years, new technological developments will allow humans to live to 500 years of age or longer.  Then, during that lifespan, newer technological developments could lead to complete immortality. 

This story will blow your mind.  It's certain to be chosen as Book of the Year, at some year in the future.  Steven Spielberg will want to make a major motion picture out of it.  Because it's a completely new type of Sciene Fiction that actually could come true in the not-too-distant future as any reader of my other book - The God Particle Bible - will attest.
Immortality: A True Story
Kindle Version
The Bible for Success in Network Marketing.  The only way to really make the kind of money you deserve.

Find out the Ten Commandments when looking to JOIN or how to market your
 MLM - Network Marketing Business.
The Network Marketing Bible
- FREE Audible Version

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